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Embracing an Imperfect Self-Care Routine

Writer: Sarah RodriguezSarah Rodriguez

Updated: Mar 5

I've always tried to be better at being healthier and living a "clean girl" selfcare routine. It always seemed nice to enjoy a life where your girl dinners didn't consist of chips, crackers, and cheese. Getting up and doing something that seemed.. right. Only, I realized that selfcare isn't just washing off the dirt on your face with a ten step process at the end of every night. Self care is a broad term, that's specific to a persons form of care. It shouldn't be something that's viewed as right or wrong. As long as you are feeling comfortable with how you are taking care of yourself, that's all that really matters. Social media is filled with a bunch of how to's; how to go to the gym properly, how to shower properly, how to do this, that. But the one thing that is missing from the hustle and bustle, is how to be okay with going at the pace you are at now.

It's hard to find simplicity in your life, maybe that be because you're always looking for ways to improve yourself, or are looking towards the future. No matter what it is, it's hard to be still and be okay with what you have now, or what you have going for yourself. I know this, because that's me. Finding something new to do even though I didn't have enough money to support it, or something in the future was getting me excited.

Self-care isn't just eating well or dressing well, or working out. Self-care is being comfortable in your skin, reflecting on what you need, and understanding yourself. Seeing what other people have, wishing you had the same, and comparing yourself is only going to further you down the rabbit hole. Again, I've been there.

But the great thing about life is, no matter where you're at, how old you are, what you've done with yourself thus far, you can always begin again. However many times you need to. So if you feel stuck on your self-care journey, that's okay, because we can work through it together.

Let go of your image of perfection

I'm going to be blunt here, achieving true perfection is impossible. We were created according to the standards set by God, and believing that we need to do more to meet the societal idea of perfection will only harm us. Societal standards change frequently. Twenty years ago, layering camis, wearing leopard print, and having a side part were considered fashionable. While those styles were cute, they aren't commonly seen today. And that's fine, because we shouldn't be bound to a single clothing trend for life. This leads back to the idea that constantly altering yourself to fit in with others' actions, words, and fashion can result in mistakes, embarrassment, and repeated attempts. To genuinely grasp the essence of self-care, it's important to understand that not everything you do to achieve your goals will turn out as planned, and that's perfectly acceptable.

Selfcare is simply the act of what nourishes you. Looking for ideas online is a good starting point, but don't fill your life with high-reaching standards(unless of course you like to set high standards for yourself). It's okay to begin slowly, and with something as small as drinking more water instead of soda. If you love to listen to music, then take a few hours to yourself just listening to calming music while you clean or write in a journal.

Focus on what feels good

Be flexible with yourself and understand that selfcare isn't something that needs to be specific each time. Maybe ask yourself, "What do I need today?" "How can I make the most for myself?". Maybe it's prayer, or going for a walk or eating something yummy. Understand yourself first and find what makes you happy, and work with that. Pick up a new hobby that satisfies you. Maybe go to the store and pick out facemasks and snacks and have a fun movie night with yourself or some friends. If it makes you happy, it's worth it.

Even a little selfcare, is selfcare. Bit by bit, you can work up a routine of how you handle different parts of your selfcare journey. Maybe start the day by drinking water, and doing a few stretches here and there. Celebrate the little things and give yourself credit for doing them. Let's be real, it's hard to take care of yourself properly. Especially when it's so easy to be lazy and tell yourself you'll do it later. So the little stuff matters, truly.

Take care of yourself even if it's not perfect. It's always better to say that you're trying, than to say you gave up because you were lazy. As life changes, so will your needs and wants. Being willing to work with yourself and to understand what exactly you feel you need is important. Most importantly, be positive through it all. Life can get stressful at times and with stress brings a multitude of emotions. It can all lead to backtracking. So, just breathe. It's easier said than done, sure, but breathing helps tremendously-obviously.

Prioritize what matters most to you

It's hard to do it all, all at once. So focus on what you feel you need most in the moment and work with it. Don't give up and offer yourself the same grace that God gives you. It's okay to make mistakes in an any day situation, and though it may feel like a bummer in the moment, you'll hardly remember it in a few days. If it's all overwhelming, too much information being thrown at you from various different places, take a step back and remember what it is you need most. Be it rest, water, movement, a connection with God or the people around you. Move at your own pace, and take advice where you need it. But ultimately, it's up to you how you should handle how to take care of yourself. But don't overthink it. Overthinking is a terrible habit that no one should have to live with; I definitely have had my fair share. You know yourself better than anyone, so if a routine someone has doesn't seem to stick with you, then it's not meant for you. That's okay, because life is all about trial and error. The best part is, is that you get to figure it out, and change things up.

It's also important to limit yourself from your phone from time to time. Inviting in so many things can definitely be overwhelming, and I can't count the countless times I've been there. Not only does social media not benefit you in a healthy way, it can also be time consuming. Telling yourself you'll take a break for ten minutes, and then three hours later, oops you caught yourself doom scrolling. Me. Once you can finally break out of the habit of falling back onto TikTok or Instagram for comfort, you can take another step to being healthier for yourself.

The main thing I want you to take away from all of this, is to be gentle with yourself, and take your time figuring out your unique way of selfcare. It's important to take care of yourself, in a way you're comfortable with doing. Don't let others routines make yours feel any less of a routine. Have a good rest of your day, friends!



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